Purpose of the programme:
In 2012 the Teaching and Learning Services Steering Group (TLSSG) reviewed the current system (CamTools) used to support teaching and learning at the University. It concluded that CamTools does not provide a sufficiently strong pedagogical framework; and there is concern over the long-term future of the software that CamTools is based on.
The TLSSG, with the support of the General Board's Education Committee, recommended that Moodle should be introduced to support teaching and learning at the University, replacing CamTools. In Lent 2013 the Information Systems Services Committee (ISSS) agreed that Moodle should become the preferred Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) (the online system used to support teaching and learning) at Cambridge in the medium term, and initiated a project for UIS to work with schools, faculties, and departments to develop a Moodle solution for the University.
Benefit to the University:
The objective of the project is to create a centrally provided Cambridge VLE using Moodle, with full support for users and providers of content. The system will be usability tested to ensure that it meets student and academic needs.