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Terms and Conditions

Moodle is a Virtual learning Environment which offers file sharing, communication tools and pedagogical resources to users. Cambridge University provides these services subject to the University Terms and Conditions statement. Further information and guidance for use can be found below.

Primary Use of Moodle

Moodle is the main VLE of the University of Cambridge. It is provided by University Information Services (UIS) and is endorsed by the Education Portfolio to support the delivery of teaching and learning across the Collegiate University.

Other Uses of Moodle

Although the primary use of Moodle is to support the delivery of teaching and learning, the online tools and facilities in the system allow it to be used to support other activities, such as staff and volunteer training, research projects, administrative processes, committee business, and general secure file-sharing. However these are very much secondary uses of Moodle, not endorsed by the Education Portfolio or by UIS, and there may be other more suitable systems available. UIS has put together a guide to facilitate these decisions:

Devolved Responsibility for Moodle

Although hosted and maintained centrally, Cambridge Moodle uses a devolved ownership model: Departments, Colleges, Non-School Institutions and other offices are responsible for the management and administration of their own areas in Moodle and how those areas are used. It is the responsibility of local managers to ensure that Moodle is both appropriate and suitable for the purpose for which it is being used, and that its use complies with the University’s policies and guidelines. These policies include, but are not limited to, data protection, GDPR compliance, copyright, security, personal data considerations, access restrictions, and intellectual property rights. To help with this, UIS have put together guidance which can be found under the 'About Moodle' navigation heading in Moodle (Raven/Moodle access required).

Support for Moodle Users

Support for Moodle users is provided by local managers and centrally by the UIS Teaching and Learning Systems Team (T&L team). Although the T&L team supports all Moodle users through the provision of classroom training, online guides, and the Moodle Helpdesk, support for the delivery of teaching and learning will be prioritised.

Changes to Moodle

The T&L team regularly make changes to Moodle to improve its security, stability, and usability. Requests for changes and improvements are accepted from across the Collegiate University, and priority is given to those that improve its effectiveness as a tool to support the delivery of teaching and learning. Requests for changes that improve other uses of the system may also be considered, providing they do not affect this primary use. In addition necessary changes may (rarely) be made that negatively impact one or more secondary uses, although such changes will be avoided if possible.


The purpose and aims of Moodle and the policies governing its use are under constant review to ensure the system meets, and continues to meet, the University’s requirements for teaching and learning, as defined by the Learning and Teaching Strategy (2015-2018) and the Digital Strategy for Education (2016-2020).